Rachna Maheshwari

Specializations within Economics

If you are trying to pick an area of specialization within Economics, I think there are four areas of specialization that are trendy these days. First, empirical Microeconomists and Macroeconomists with a good grasp of Applied Econometrics are likely to ha ... More >>

Punam Medh

Being an Instructional Designer

Imagine being a doctor. You know how the body functions – what is good for it and what is not, what drug will solve what medical problem. Based on the symptoms described by the patient, the doctor uses his knowledge of the human body, the medicines availab ... More >>

Lisa Kuruvilla


In our childhood we often played 'House – House” and 'Teacher-Teacher 'with so much zest and fervor that later on in life when it became a reality, for me, it was like a dream come true ! There was never an atom of doubt that my chosen career would be , ... More >>

Dr Mini Rao

The many jobs of a psychologist

As a psychologist, I get to work on very exciting and varied areas. If one day I am preparing assessment tests for an organisation, the next I could be doing a workshop in personality development. If one day I am helping a film maker with a script, the nex ... More >>